Thursday, September 17, 2015

Health safety - Awareness about Dengue

Dengue becoming a serious problem now a days in NCR-Delhi. The national capital Delhi has recorded the worst outbreak of dengue in the past five years with the total number of cases between January 1 and September 12 standing at 1,872.

Awareness is so important that people around us take proactive actions if symptom persists of Dengue. Dengue Fever is an illness caused by infection with a virus transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever -- How do you know if you have dengue fever? You have dengue fever if you have a fever that does not go away even after a few days; You may also experience headaches, muscle and joint pains, skin rash, and vomiting.


At present, no effective vaccine for dengue fever is available. Therefore, the best preventive measure is to eliminate pockets of stagnant water that serve as breeding sites for mosquitoes, and to avoid mosquito bites. Immediately we should visit hospital or see to any doctor.

General measures on preventing mosquito-borne diseases
1.      Wear long-sleeved clothing and trousers, and apply effective mosquito repellent containing DEET to exposed parts of the body and clothing.
2.      Use mosquito screens or nets when the room is not air-conditioned.
3.      Place anti-mosquito devices near possible entrance such as window.
4.      Prevent accumulation of stagnant water
5.      Put all used cans and bottles into covered dustbins
6.      Change water for plants at least once a week, leaving no water in the saucers underneath flower pots
7.      Cover tightly all water containers, wells and water storage tanks
8.      Keep all drains free from blockage
9.      Top up all defective ground surfaces to prevent accumulation of stagnant water
10.  Conduct dengue awareness programs in your apartment complex and neighborhood.
11.  Advise people showing symptoms of dengue to immediately go for a check-up and get treatment.

12.  The most effective way to prevent mosquito bite and to reduce the number of mosquitoes around homes or neighborhoods is to find and eliminate their breeding sites

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